Acupressure Consultations & Treatments
Acupressure Treatments
Acupressure helps the body to activate its own recuperative abilities and assists in diminishing congestion. The free flow of the body’s vital energy is enhanced by applying hand or finger pressure to specific conductive or energetic points on the body during an acupressure session.
Acupressure Sessions
Rita offers customized acupressure treatments for your specific needs including:
Release what is blocking a person from their true, authentic self
Release layers of trauma and/or social conditioning
Sports & work related injuries
Mental illness
llness such as colds and flu
Help boost your immune system
Acupressure Benefits
Acupressure is great for pain relief, stress relief, many body problems, and freedom from being stuck in old patterns.
Rita uses a variety of Acupressure protocols to help you find relief from your symptoms and problems.
Rita is a teacher of a stress release acupressure protocol. Her students learn acupressure for self care and care of others.